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Hello birders. Welcome to my birdwatching website “Brodowski Fotografie”. On this website you can find pictures and descriptions of my birding observations. You will find lots of information about different bird species and their habitats.

The website is written in german but you can easily use Google to translate the content into your favourite language using the following link:

Long-eared Owl

Birds of Prey and Owl Links

Many other birds of prey on my site: Greifvögel und Eulen


Songbirds Links

Many other songbirds on my site: Singvögel

Great Black-backed Gull Golden Plover Egyptian Goose
Pictures Waterfowl and Gulls Pictures

Waterfowl and Gulls

Many other Waterfowl and Gulls on my site: Wasservögel und Möwenarten

Snow Bunting Common Kingfisher Blackbird
Pictures Songbirds Pictures

Bird Pictures

Common Buzzard

General information about birds

Another interesting website about birdwatching can be found here: Birdwatching in Deutschland

Unsere schönsten Vogel-Beobachtungen haben wir in Europa auf Island, in Skandinavien (Norwegen, Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark), in Holland, in Österreich, in der Schweiz, in Italien, in Frankreich, in Spanien, in Griechenland, in Deutschland in Berlin, in Hamburg an der Elbe, in Bremen, in NRW, in Baden-Württemberg, im Saarland, in Rheinland-Pfalz, in Bayern, in Hessen, in Schleswig-Holstein, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in Thüringen, in Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt und Gartow in Niedersachsen gemacht.

Beobachtungen, Fotografien, Vogel-Bilder und Autor: Gerhard Brodowski Hamburg